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Showing posts from March, 2023

Scientific Calculator In JavaScript With Source Code

  Scientific Calculator In JavaScript With Source Code Project: Scientific Calculator In JavaScript With Source Code To download  Scientific Calculator In Javascript  for free(Scroll Down) Scientific Calculator is a simple project in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This project is for solving the mathematical calculations of numbers. You can see the basic features of the advance calculator in this project. Also, there is two modes in this calculator system. So, you can either use the basic mode or advanced mode. Making of the Project The Scientific Calculator project is simply in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Taking about the features of the Calculator, the user can add, subtract, divide, find squares, under roots, trigonometry ratios, multiply, even check the remainder of any two numbers. You can just click the numbers you want to involve in calculations and click the button with “=” sign for the result. This project includes a lot of javascript for making validations to certain parts of th

Multi Language Pharmacy Management System in PHP Free Source Code

  Multi Language Pharmacy Management System in PHP Free Source Code Multi-language pharmacy management system (MPMS) is developed in PHP and MySQL. It is the new way of managing the pharmacy. It has been designed to support the pharmacy, Products, categories, and orders in multiple languages. It can be used by pharmacists all over the world. Pharmacy management systems are designed to improve overall information flow in the pharmacy business. They can help streamline operations and reduce costs by automating processes like order processing, billing, and payment. The main purpose of this software is to provide a set of interfaces between the pharmacy and the customer, who is the main user of this software. This software helps in creating a comprehensive database for the pharmacy business and provides various reports on the basis of various parameters such as expiry, product, etc. As we know, Pharmacy is a very dynamic field. With the introduction of new drugs, new technologies, and a gr